Monday, July 1, 2013

How do I get my Nutrition?

 A lot of people often ask me How I get my daily nutrition figured out. So I decided to create a short blog explaining why I believe on this product. Why I recommend it to everyone, and believe that everyone would benefit from using it.

When we look at our bodies they are amazing machines, and you have so many systems that help your body to stay on top shape and performing it's proper functions.

Look at your body and the systems it has:

  • Circulatory System
  • Integumentary System  
  • Skeletal System
  • Reproductive System
  • Digestive System
  • Urinary System
  • Respiratory System
  • Endocrine System
  • Lymphatic System
  • Muscular System
  • Nervous System
  • Immune System.

On the last few years we have been hearing a lot about GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) these are organisms that have been modified to allow them to withstand pesticides or deceases that other wise would have made it more costly to grow these products.

We are constantly over farming our lands, depleting them of all nutrients, did you know an apple 10 years ago had a lot more nutrients that they do today? So we have become a nation of over fed and under-nourished individuals. It takes a lot more food to be able to provide our body with the essential nutrients it requires to function properly.

Shakeology is my Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition.

On the image below you can see what Shakeology does for you. It has over 70 ingredients which are all Natural and Non GMO. There is nothing chemical in it, so your body doesn't have to work extra hard trying to figure out what to do with something it was never intended to be fed to the body.

I can for only $4 a day nurture my body, feed it with the Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients it needs on a daily basis to work properly. Shakeology supports your body so it can use it's natural ability to heal itself.

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