Friday, August 23, 2013

Am I working out TOO MUCH ?

One of the Biggest challenges we face as Fitness Coaches is trying to help people change unhealthy habits.

We often find ourselves abusing our body with foods that we eat. Almost everyone without exception can point out some of the worst foods that they can eat and they know that if they want to make a change then they need to eat healthier.

But let's admit it, eating some of these foods is tasty and easy, the last thing we want to do after a long day at work or running errands is going home and prepare a nice meal that tastes good.

We might have forgotten to thaw out meat from the freezer or nothing we have in our house sounds good right now.

Food is always an unhealthy habit easy to point out, but there is one that is a little trickier to notice. You have not worked out in a very long time, maybe even since High-school, and all of a sudden you want to become healthy, so you join a gym, or buy a home workout program and start working out, you know your nutrition might not be on point so you decide to take it up a notch and workout even more. As a result you end up getting hurt.

But you are "determined" to make a change, you are committed to do "whatever it takes" to get the body you have "always" wanted. So you keep pushing through because "I AM COMMITTED". You think that if you take time to rest or heal your body then you have failed.

After helping a lot of people and looking at patterns of behavior I can tell you that more than not, people tend to abuse their bodies, either with food or by not taking the necessary time to let their body heal. You want a shortcut to reach your goals, here is the shortcut "CONSISTENCY". Be consistent on your behavior, don't just diet most of the time, CHOSE to EAT HEALTHY.

When you are tired, when your body needs it, take time and rest, it is OK. Your progress will not be slowed down because you didn't spend 2 hours at the gym or working out.

REMEMBER this is about living a healthier and much more fulfilling life, so take time for those things that matter the most and enjoy the process, be consistent and that will bring you the results you desire.

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