Thursday, August 22, 2013

How do I Reduce Joint and Muscle Soreness

As we start exercising it is not uncommon for our joints and muscles to get sore. That is ok, but often times people stop exercising all together because let's be honest who likes to be sore and achy?

A lot of people run to the heat packs to try and reduce the soreness and aid in recovery, but there are no medical studies that show that heat packs alone will have any effect in your recovery. You can increase flexibility through the use of the heat pack and extensive stretching, but this will not diminish your soreness.

The best way to deal with soreness is to prevent soreness, let me explain, chances are if you do not take proper time to warm up before a workout you will run into some injuries or pains, so take the time to do the warm up and if you are doing weights then take a minute or two and do a couple of sets to help your joints warm up. This should help your soreness decrease in future workouts.

Also take the time and make sure you stretch the joints and muscles after your workout, I know often times we are tired and just want to get on with our day, but really this is where our recovery starts.

You may also consider getting joint supplements, there are a variety of supplements in the market that provide vitamins and minerals to support the proper function and protection of your joints.

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