Thursday, August 22, 2013

Why am I not loosing weight? My Nutrition is ON POINT !!!!!


How many times do we hear or even tell ourselves that we are doing everything we need to be doing, we workout consistently and our nutrition is on point but we do not see results, WHAT IS GOING ON !!!!!!!

I must be predisposed to be fat, that is just how it is, I can't do this ......

Let's look at it a little bit closer.

Injuries. Many times we may have an injury or condition that is preventing us form pushing as hard as we need to in order to obtain the results we desire. This does not mean all is lost, if you have an injury or condition preventing you from pushing hard, make sure you are very diligent with your nutrition and that you stay active through out the day.

Food Portion. It is a common occurrence that when people are trying to lose fat they assume they need to starve their body. They are either not eating enough or eating the wrong types of calories at the wrong times. Your body needs nutrients, vitamins, minerals to function properly, it is only when we are providing our body all it needs that it will let go of those fat stores.

Effort. People often think that working out a couple of times a week is more than enough to get the results they want. Our bodies need consistent physical activity to perform properly, try to workout at least 25 minutes a day.

Emotional Problems. I often refer to this problem, we see it all the time on television shows where the trainers are trying to help individuals lose huge amounts of weight. Some people seek the comfort of food to protect or mask bigger problems, unless they are able to work through those problems they will not be able to make a permanent change.

Remember that Immediate changes are temporary, Permanent changes take time. Do not beat yourself up because you went of your plan for a meal or a day. This does not mean you should indulge on things that are bad for your body, just recognize it will take some time to establish permanent patterns in your life to replace the old unhealthy habits.

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