Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gluten, What is that? Do I need to Avoid it?

Gluten is the major protein found in some grains. It is present in all forms of wheat as well as in barley, rye and triticale.

But gluten can also turn up in unexpected places, like certain brands of chocolate, imitation crab, deli meats, soy sauce, vitamins and even some kinds of toothpaste.

Gluten is different from protein in other grains and in meat in that it is difficult for humans to digest completely. It can make some people very sick. But not everyone

For about 1% of the population gluten can be a matter of life or death. These people have a condition known as celiac disease. Unless you are a true celiac, you don't need to live a life without gluten.

As a society, we are in a state of "gluten overload," and millions of people of all ages and all walks of life are suffering as a result of a condition that was recognized only a few years ago, called gluten sensitivity.

When people with gluten sensitivity eat foods containing gluten, it triggers unpleasant symptoms: stomach pains, bloat, heartburn, joint pains, headache, skin rashes, fatigue, insomnia and brain fog, to name some of the most common. Although many of these symptoms are similar to those experienced by celiac sufferers, if you turn out to be gluten-sensitive, it probably won't require giving up gluten entirely.

Some people who go off gluten to lose weight end up gaining weight instead. That's because they consume gluten-free packaged products that are often just as high in saturated fat, sugar and sodium as other junk food, and these products often contain high-glycemic refined ingredients like white rice flour or fillers like potato starch that can affect your blood sugar and trigger cravings.

You don't need to worry to no end about gluten and completely remove it form your diet, just as with sugars be mindful of how much of it you are consuming and keep it low.

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